Shareware Games

Go on - these people need pizza money


By Bedroom Coder Software (version 1.0)

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Please note: The full version of this game has been made available, you can find it here: Upspring Full version.

It is strongly advised to download the superior full version instead.

I've been working on this game for ages now, and it's pretty much complete. This is the demo, but it's currently not for sale cause I haven't got a buy page and etc sorted out, etc. This demo currently launches when you exit, and only lets you play to level 7 out of a full 25 levels, and you can only pick up one out of the three special special ingame bonuses.

The controls are:

- Up to jump (while on ground)
- Left and right arrow keys to move horizontally
- Escape to exit
- The jump combos, you should learn as you proceed...

BE WARNED! This is BIG. Bigger than most shareware games. Due to having to have at least 6 absolutely HUGE graphics in the FPG, this game eats up a greedy 60 MB when uncompressed. Be warned!

See credits.txt for a full credit list.

Genre: Platform
Platform: Windows 95/98/ME , Windows XP/2000/Vista
Dev tool: Fenix
Other attributes:
Uploaded: December 15, 2005
Rating: * * * 1/2 (4 ratings)
Downloads: 48


Rating: No rating

Upspring has been released. Joy!

I can't honestly judge the game before playing the downloaded version, which I'm downloading now.

Rating: No rating

Um, yeah, I forgot to say this: if you find any bugs, please tell me. I'll iron them out but can only do so if I know they exist. I KNOW this is for finished shareware games, but unless bugs are reported, this WILL be the finished version.

Rating: * * * *

This game is alright, though a bit hard later on.

Rating: No rating

Yeah, it is meant to be. Although you wouldn't know that if you hadn't hacked the saved game file to get onto the higher levels >:F

Anyway, like I said, bugslistplzkthx lol.

Rating: * * * *

One of the springboards disappeared so I was actually physically unable to finish the level. I thought maybe I'd jumped on it too much but on the 'how to play' screen I saw no mention of it. Is that a bug or just misdocumentation? Other than that it was fine, apart from those floating spikes.

Rating: No rating

It depends, some of them fade in and out. Which they are meant to. However you may have been talking about the exploding springboard.

If you blow that up, it can sometimes be very hard to get back up (however in stages 1, 2 and possibly 3, it is possible to complete the levels without the exploded springboard).

It tells you about the exploding springboard, and the fading springboards, on the how to play screen: … a9767a9e6f8.jpg

Tip to anybody who's blown up the springboard and can't complete a level: Attempt to get higher by hitting a spike or a bomb or something at the right time - this will propell you and you'll probably be able to do it without the springboard. ;)

Rating: No rating

Oh wait, you might be talking about the teleporting springboard... hmmmm... yeah, that IS meant to fade away when you've jumped on it. See it moves around the level, between two points, when you jump on it.

Rating: * * *

It seems a bit off that the player can just get on a springboard and leave the room until he collects enough points for the portal to appear. Am I missing something?

Rating: No rating

You've managed to do that? I guess it's all up to chance where the coins spawn. But if someone did that then why would they bother starting up the game anyway? If you want to pause it, btw, you can press P and that pauses/unpauses.

Rating: No rating

Oh, plus if you do that on higher levels you're likely to get your ass kicked by random mines that fly across the screen. They randomly scroll across the screen in the higher levels, meaning that if you stay on a springboard you're likely to just get explodinated.

Rating: No rating

You're likely to get explodinated regardless!

Rating: No rating

Little bit O' trivia: I did a quick calculation the other night - completing all of Upspring (in theory) takes about an hour and a half! :o

Rating: No rating

The concept is good, graphics are okay. But it's missing something. Maybe a storyline to add some interest? OR more of a purpose or something to give a sense of acomplishment when you complete the level. Another tailed critter to rescue maybe...
I don't know if you intend to continue with this or not but if you do here are my suggestions:
Having to wait for the menus is annoying. I know it can be skipped, but ideally you should not want to skip it!
Saving should be automatic - or not at all.
Collecting coins to finish the level: I feel the achievement of getting to the top, but I can't continue as I don't have enough points. As its an upwards moving game going down again seems...boring.
Also the website DLL. Couldn't a windows API function be used to open the *default* browser without a console window? :O
So's a good idea but several annoyances keep me from replaying it :-)

Rating: * * *

+ good fast gameplay
+ simple but addictive concept
- menus annoying, make them appear instantly by default
- graphics lack coherent theme
- levels seem small and short

Rating: No rating

New demo at Goes from level 7 to level 12. Worth checking it out.

... and caspah, I picked these graphics. A great deal of them were custom made o_O;;

Rating: No rating

Just beat the game on Arcade mode. It's fiendishly hard, beware.

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