The Crazed Drunk Artist (TheMI3's Worklog)

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Concept Art

I did some concepts for the game me and woody may or may not be making.

I was bored.

Here are all concepts for the main character, who we've given the tentative working name of 'escobar'. Named after some drugs lord. I will be calling him escobar until I come up with a better name.

None of the ideas actually grab me yet, and I kinda want to see Wood's reaction as well. It's his damn game too.

I do like the crazy alien thing with the top hat though.

I also did a concept for the Game Over screen. I think hiding from the police will probably end up as a gameplay dynamic. So it sort of makes sense.

I can't wait to put some colour on this bitch.
(Posted on October, 10th 2006, 22:08)


Moogle said:
That looks pretty awesome. Can't wait for the day you two characters turn it into a game.
(Posted on October, 10th 2006, 23:05)

Rincewind said:
And then my jaw hit the floor.
(Posted on October, 10th 2006, 23:41)

Caspah said:
They all seem to be smoking
(Posted on October, 11th 2006, 00:20)

Woody said:
I like the look of both the guys on the second page for Escobar, and the fat guy would make a good Colombian drug lord boss.

And holy shit that game over screen kicks ass already.
(Posted on October, 11th 2006, 05:09)

Tovi said:
Awesome concept art. I wish I could draw like that.

But why is everyone smoking?
(Posted on October, 11th 2006, 10:52)

TheMI3 said:
Thanks guys. I didn't spend too much time on these so they're didnt come out quite so awesome. But I think there's a few good bits in there too :)

I'm so glad you like the game over screen Woody. I was worried you wouldn't. Which would have been a shame as I would have needed to kill you.

Why is everyone smoking? Well, at first I was going for a Hunter Thompson vibe, and that dude was always smoking. But then I figured that, if they're carrying Class A drugs, they're probably not averse to the odd (a lot) of cigarettes.

So basically, Heavy Drug Users + Cigarette = Normal.
(Posted on October, 11th 2006, 13:04)

SiPoX said:
Good drawings! ;) :)
(Posted on October, 13th 2006, 10:40)

g105b said:
nice, keep at this project... will be cool as a game
(Posted on October, 13th 2006, 16:21)

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