C++ 2D Shooter project (Htbaa's Worklog)
I now officially declare this project as dead. I currently don't even have the tools installed to build the damn thing, nor do I want to.
2dsupershoot was a nice project to get me started again into gamedev and was a nice introduction to C++, SDL and OpenGL.
2dsupershoot was a nice project to get me started again into gamedev and was a nice introduction to C++, SDL and OpenGL.
(Posted on July, 20th 2009, 23:40)
Rincewind said:
That's too bad! Are you sure you're not quitting too early? Maybe the engine could be preserved for a future project?
I re-read all your worklog posts, there are some good things to learn like which systems you tackled in which order! Maybe specifically the earliest posts about enemy lists and a z system. Thanks.
I re-read all your worklog posts, there are some good things to learn like which systems you tackled in which order! Maybe specifically the earliest posts about enemy lists and a z system. Thanks.
(Posted on November, 27th 2020, 16:06)