C++ 2D Shooter project (Htbaa's Worklog)

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Worklogs > Htbaa's Worklogs > C++ 2D Shooter project > Milestone 4 finished: I'm on a roll!

Milestone 4 finished: I'm on a roll!


Milestone 4 is now considered finished! It took me about a month and a half to get this far but the main game is now basically done!

Milestone 4 consisted of both game programming and engine programming.

I have implemented a sound and music system based on SDL_mixer which works nicely. Although it might need some tweaking with sound volume it's considered done. Tweaking and optimizing this piece is part of the 9th milestone (which is about optimizing, level creation etc.).

So currently the game is equipped with music and sound effects. Level music will nicely fade out when the boss fight is going to begin.

Currently all sounds and music files are placeholders, but might just stay as well.

So far the engine part, on to the game part.

The graphical user interface (GUI) displays the amount of lives, which powerups have been acquired, score and score multiplier, and of course the players' energy. Some of it was already available in milestone 3, but the GUI is now fully functional.

Finally, the most important part of this milestone was the boss fight. The boss has a ton of energy/armor so he CAN be quite difficult.

The boss has 5 attack patterns/stages. Each with different weapons. Also, in every stage the boss is being protected by other enemies. In it's final stage the boss will go all out and will use missiles, aimed bullets and will be shielded by space mines.

I'm quite happy with the result but nothing is final yet. There are a few cons about the boss fight. For instance, one could create a very high multiplier by just killed the enemies that are defending the boss. Perhaps I should limit the multiplier to prevent this?

I also decided to make the smoke trails a bit thicker, which make them look much nicer. Further more I ditched .xm and .s3m sound files. Because of some weird bug with OpenGL and SDL_Mixer the game wouldn't quit nicely. When unloading certain music files the application would just freeze up. So all audio files are now in OGG format. Which does increase the size of the game but that's something I can live with :-).

As said in the title: "I'm on a roll!". It's true really. I already started implementing HtbaaNET. So far the basic foundations have already been laid down and account registration and validation is already working nicely. As I said, I'm on a roll!
(Posted on July, 20th 2008, 17:40)


DTM said:
It's great to be on a roll, indeeed.

I need to get on one. *slaps self*
(Posted on July, 25th 2008, 23:44)

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Worklogs > Htbaa's Worklogs > C++ 2D Shooter project > Milestone 4 finished: I'm on a roll!
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