C++ 2D Shooter project (Htbaa's Worklog)

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Worklogs > Htbaa's Worklogs > C++ 2D Shooter project > Milestone 4: Launcher... Lift off!

Milestone 4: Launcher... Lift off!

It's been a while but I've been able to make some progress with 2dsupershoot. The Boss fight is more or less done. It needs some difficulty balancing and perhaps a bit more variation. But the biggest part is there so I'm fairly happy about it.

Some bugs have been fixed and some new ones have been discovered as well. It seems that SDL_Mixer doesn't really like .s3m music files. When terminating the application it just hangs when trying to unload the music file. I had no problems under Linux so far. So perhaps I need to check my version on Windows XP.

I recently bought MaxGUI as well. I had some doubts about getting it since it doesn't have any data grids. Which can be really useful. But I decided I wanted to have a launcher application for 2dsupershoot so I bought MaxGUI.

To my surprise MaxGUI is very, very easy to use. I had a basic launcher application running in a few hours, including a simple C++ class to store config data, which can be used in BlitzMax as well. Although I had some weird errors all seems to be running fine now.

I also decided that, for the time being, it would be easier for me to do account registration and storing account details with the launcher application. At least for now.

The great thing about BlitzMax and MaxGui is that it works on Windows and Linux. So the launcher will be used for both platforms. Although I need to figure out why the layout is being mis formed in Linux. There are also a few small bugs in the Linux version of the launcher application.

So a few bugs need to be fixed, some fine tuning needs to be done and off we go with Milestone 4. Which by the way won't be released. You'll all have to wait till the final release :-).

Here are some screenshots of the launcher application:

(Posted on July, 17th 2008, 17:21)


Sandman said:
Good stuff.
(Posted on July, 17th 2008, 18:41)

Mezzmer said:
very swish.

i'm now considering using a nice launcher for Hero when it's complete.
(Posted on July, 17th 2008, 19:55)

Htbaa said:
Using this launcher will take away some pain of creating in-game configuration screens. For example, the account registration and profile saving can be done in the launcher. Also, stuff like OpenGL or software rendering is something a game needs a restart for. So using the launcher takes that pain away.
(Posted on July, 17th 2008, 20:45)

Rincewind said:
A full screen option, good. You might want to give the text in the "About 2dsupershoot" box a spell check.
(Posted on July, 19th 2008, 16:26)

Htbaa said:
Yes I know. The text isn't finished yet. Needs some privacy policy as well :-).
(Posted on July, 19th 2008, 19:29)

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Worklogs > Htbaa's Worklogs > C++ 2D Shooter project > Milestone 4: Launcher... Lift off!
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